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No Space For Commonplace - 16 Most Unique Rakhi Gifting Ideas For Sisters

Brothers are never quite sure why they fight with their sister, or even why they love her so much.
In a recent study conducted on the relationships shared by siblings, males were asked about whether would like to contact when they need to take a major decision in their life. Most of the answers were parents, wife or best friend. However, just in case they had to choose a backup to their first preference, more than 95% of people cited with their sister.
Science backs this up, by stating that the influential qualities of reliability are also present in sisters. Often, boys take more than the required time to realise the obvious. Even once they do that, they will take another decade to acknowledge the same. This is the reason they will never go up to their sister and thank her for being there, and for the contribution, she has made into their lives by just being there - through the most out-of-the-box Rakhi Gifts.
Perhaps our earlier generations realised this problem. Then, they created the custom of giving gifts on the occasion of Rakhi, giving all the brothers a chance to show sisters how much they mean to them through Rakhi Gifts for Sisters.
For all your sisters have done for you, a mere obligation to protect them just doesn’t do justice. Indulged in an endless scamper for creative gift ideas? Fret not. Show your sister just how thoughtful you can be, and how much you care, with 16 unique gifts - just as unique and quirky as your bond.
1. Wonder Woman Rakhi:
You may protect her, in the outside world. But when it comes to covering up for you in front of your parents, she is your shield. It’s finally payback time for all the brothers - acknowledge the fact that your sister protects you just as much as you do for her.
This Raksha Bandhan, tie her a Rakhi too - show her just how much she means for you. And there's perhaps there's no better way to do so, than with a Wonder Woman Rakhi - after all, she's a real-life Wonder Woman. Tie her this, and maybe she'll be so ecstatic that her Rakhi Gift for Brother will be slightly better!
2. Sister Nutritional Facts Mug:
A true sister is made up of many constituents - ranging from eye-rolling to texting, and from sarcasm to loudmouth. But however annoying she may be, you still love her unconditionally - it's what makes her so precious.
Also, she is the only girl in this whole world who is ready to break your bones but will never break your heart. So, in all due sincerity bow down to the girl who made your life easier just by being in it, with this Sister Nutritional Facts Mug - with heartfeltly hilarious nutritional facts of every sister listed.
3. Unicorn Hoodie Neck Pillow:
Such is the bond, that sometimes, you feel like sending her away to Mars. However, on the other hand, you are equally always worried about her comfort. Unicorn to the rescue! Present her with this travel essential so that she plans her next vacation super soon and you get the house all to yourself.
The unique accessory will not only help her doze off on the go, the hoodie will also keep her warm and comfortable.
4. Infinity Mirror Lamp:
This exquisite piece is a perfect replica of your relationship with your sister. When switched off it acts as a mirror, just like the way your sister always makes you realise what you actually want. When switched on, it provides light and warmth when required - and is infinite in its limits!
This Rakhi present her with an Infinity Mirror Lamp - and show her that you love her to infinity, and beyond!
5. Wonder Woman Apron:
Your sister is a true Wonder Woman in every sense of the word. Is she also a superhero in the kitchen? Then there's perhaps nothing better to let her know that you acknowledge her magical cooking skills than the Wonder Woman Apron.
Designed just like Wonder Woman's costume, this Apron will certainly enhance your sister's motivation to cook you something tantalizingly delicious!
6. Queen Jewellery Holder:
You've always noticed the fact that your sister walks around the house like she's some sort of a princess, with an invisible crown on her head. What better opportunity than Raksha Bandhan than to crown her glory - with the Queen Jewellery Holder. Give her illuminating jewellery a holder of the same calibre.
7. 90’s Love Coasters:
Since you guys are together in this journey of life, why not take a trip down the memory lane and stop at the Deja Vu Junction? Child memories are just like a box of Belgian chocolates - once you have it, all you want to do is savour it till eternity.
Planning a trip to the nearest convenience store for chocolates? Instead, this Rakhi, sit back and have a look at 90’s Love Coasters. A set of 6 coasters, they ready to take you on a deja vu journey. This simple Acrylic Box contains something for all -the water bottle all of us lost at some point, the old school canvas shoes, our treasured WWE trading cards, our favoured “corn rings and cola" and the floppy disks we all collected for no reason - walk down memory lane.
8. Live, Laugh, Love Notebook
Your lifelong objective has been to make your sister's life miserable. But for once, you should do something which makes her love the way she lives, and live the way she loves.
It's not as hard as it sounds - do so with this Live, Laugh, Love notebook.With a custom design and an inspirational cover, your sister will absolutely adore this notebook with a beautiful pink cover - let her rediscover the purpose in life.
9. Yes and No Buttons
The equation you share with your sister is super simple. Things are always either black or white. She will love you to death or she is planning your death - there is no in between.
Just like these buzzers, it is either “Yes or No”. This is the perfect occasion to modernise your relationship with these communication tools, and leave your parents in anticipation that when are you both organising the next house party to show off these buzzers - which have different ways of saying affirmative or negative each time you press then!
10. Minion Plush Slippers:
We advise you to keep your cameras handy, while your sister is unwrapping this gift. These Minion Plush Slippers will make her expression light up immensely - just like real Minions - she'll be jumping with joy.
This cartoon gift for your cartoon sister will make her happy and she will not be able to hit you with her slippers in the next fight! Disclaimer: There is a 100% chance that she will be wearing them out and about, and you might feel a little embarrassed walking with an adult wearing cartoon slippers.
11. Unicorn Kitty Backpack:
If you belong to the majority of the population then there is a 99% chance that your sister is a fan of unicorns. And if she is a fan of the feline creatures, then we have the perfect gift for you. Combining her two favourite creatures, we present this Unicorn Kitty Backpack. Get her off your back by giving her the perfect gift she has been asking for years.
Not only will your sister cherish this unique bag, when she shows it to her friends they will be highly impressed by the work you went through for thinking of this perfect gift.
12. Eiffel Tower Gold Plated Earrings:
Eiffel Tower, the universal symbol of love, is the dream destination of just about every girl. Now, perhaps it may be unfeasible for you to actually take her there, but you can now bring it to her home. If she enjoys wearing jewellery you should definitely check out more unique jewellery gifts.
13. Queen Gift Set:
As much as you don't want to acknowledge it, your sister makes your life much easier - in whatever aspect it may be. She's always taken charge for you - so much so, that she's almost the uncrowned queen of your life.
It’s finally time for brothers to acknowledge their sisters are indeed royalty - crown them with the Queen Gift Set. This must have Gift Set has a Queen of Everything mug to start her day the right way, a jewellery holder for her prized possessions and of course, her inflatable Crown!
14. Wearable Nail Polish Holder
The relationship between you and your sister has evolved like nothing else, so why not present her with something modern? Help her be the beauty queen she is.
This unique nail polish holder will certainly make her nail polishing experience much more convenient and easier!
15. Space Colors iPhone Covers With Pop Socket:
If your sister is into stars and galaxies then she'll definitely love this beautiful phone cover. The cover comes with a matching pop socket attached to the frame. Now she can dress up her phone pretty when she goes out with her friends.
The cover is available in various colours and for different models, choose the perfect cover for your sister.
16. Love Neon Light:
Your sister is the special someone who turns your house into a home with her love. What would be a more fitting gift than a Love Neon Light? The LED powered light can turn light up the darkest and biggest of homes with its captivating warm, white light - while the integrated hook will make it easy for her to hang - wherever she wishes to.
A token of advice to all the brothers out there - she has always been there and she is not going anywhere. She is sure to stick by your side through all the thick and thin. She has helped you in your past, is standing by your back in your present, and is making you a better person for your future endeavours.
Having been your shield in front of your mother, giving you just the right dating advice, making you learn the art of apologising for your wife, and most importantly how to be a kind and tender person in front of your daughter! Always bringing out the best in you - thank your sister with a creative gift for all the times she's creatively solved your problems.
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