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Romantic Movies You Just Cannot Miss

Whether you're in a relationship or not, everyone loves a good love story-especially when it's in movie format! Curl up with some chocolate, a warm mermaid blanket, and get ready for the feels this Valentines Day with these romantic films and (Valentine's day gifts).
1. La La Land
This spectacular, visually pleasing rollercoaster of a movie was an Academy darling last year, and with stars like Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling at the helm it isn't hard to see why. Called "a musical for people who like musicals" and praised for its realistic portrayal of modern relationships, La La Land is a treat for even the biggest critics.
2. Pride and Prejudice
If you're in the mood for a more classic romance, Pride and Prejudice is an absolute standard. It will bewitch you, body and soul.
3. Groundhog Day
The concept is creative, the character development is a joy to watch, and you'll never forget it. Oh, and the romance is really sweet too. Look, we know Groundhog Day itself is on the 2nd of this month, but it's still Valentine’s and this film is amazing.
4. Silver Lining's Playbook
If you want to see Jennifer Lawrence have a complete meltdown in the middle of a restaurant, look no further! This films grittiness won't be for everyone, but watching two troubled people find each other is about as heartwarming as it gets.
5. Brokeback Mountain
Ok, we made it this far without including one of the most depressing films in recent memory. Get the tissues ready, because no matter how hard it may be to watch, this is a story that demands to be told.
6. Titanic
Yep, another tearjerker. If you haven't seen the 1997 epic action packed romance directed by James Cameron, you must be living under a rock. If you have seen it and feel like crying, watch it again. It truly is a modern classic.
7. 10 Things I Hate About You
This one is for the teenagers in all of us. Funny, quirky, relatable, adorable, 10 Things I Hate About You is the definition of entertaining. The late and great Heath Ledger delivers a great performance alongside Julia Stiles.
8. Carol
Based on the 1952 romance novel "The Price of Salt", Carol focuses on two women who start out as friends, then develop a romantic relationship in the 50s. The setting and style of director Todd Haynes's vision makes this film absolutely captivating to watch. Cate Blanchett, of course, is amazing in it!
9. Moonlight
While this film focuses more on the life of its protagonist and his developing identity, romance does play a role in the moving Best Picture Winner of last year. Moonlight is a must watch for anybody.
10. The Notebook
Okay... Okay... it's cliché to include any Nicholas Sparks movie in a list of romantic movies.. But The Notebook is THE romance movie to end all romance movies. Everybody knows about it, even if they haven't seen it. How could we not include it? It's just so iconic.
Happy Valentine's day everyone! Happy watching!
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