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Christmas Messages we Love!

Looking for Christmas gifts? Well, a Christmas gift is incomplete without the personal touch of a handwritten letter, or a note, don't you think? Living in a world where we’re constantly surrounded by e-mails, text messages, tweets, and Instagram captions, there is something about receiving a hand-written gift note that is magical and brings immense joy to the heart.
Just the idea that someone took time out of their day to jot down a few words only for you and put them to paper…well, it can make anyone feel loved. Moreover, if it's a Secret Santa present, the warmth is all the more palpable.
At, we go out of our way to make sure that the gifts being sent out have a personal touch- yes, each and every one of them. After all, gifting isn’t just an empty, commercial activity, is it? Of all the creative secret santa ideas, the one's with a magical personal touch are the best ones.’s an art.
It’s a way of showing someone that you’re thinking of them.
You care about them.
And what better way to do this than send a thoughtful, heartfelt gift note along with the present?
When we get notes like the one that follows, our faith in love, humanity and altruism are restored...
We encourage all our customers to pen a gift note while placing an order. And then, we put to paper this note, use adorable stickers and then the gift is good to go! Of course, we do like spreading cheer. And we get all sorts of messages! Sometimes, they’re the kind that’d instantly make you chuckle. Other times, they’re the kind that’d make anyone go “aww”. We even get really cheesy notes- the ones you’d roll your eyes at and then break into a smile.
However, each one of these notes ensures that the recipient feels like the gift has a personal touch. It feels more intimate. Holding a piece of paper, knowing someone chose to shower their love on you the good old-fashioned way…it’s a great feeling! Looking for awe-inspiring, delectable and joyful Christmas gifts?? View the entire collection here: All Christmas Gifts.
And these notes fit all occasions- Birthdays, Valentines Day, Secret Santa, Apology Gifts, Graduation Presents, Gifts for Christmas...the list goes on and on!
When was the last time you sent a warm, wholehearted handwritten note?
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