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5 Quirky Puzzles To Keep Your Grey Cells Kickin'

5 Quirky Puzzles To Keep Your Grey Cells Kickin'


In the daily grind of working a 9 to 5, one often finds little reason to flex those grey cells. Take a break, kick back and give in to the basic urge of creating something you relate to with a wide range of Official U Gears Merchandise to choose from., brings you the coolest and quirkiest range of puzzles to keep your self fruitfully engaged and keep those brain cells in good shape. 

1. Ugears Roadster VM-01 Mechanical Puzzle

 If your love for cars surpasses the love for food and sleep, you probably wouldn't wanna risk missing out on this vintage beauty.


2. Ugears Train Mechanoid Puzzle

Beat boredom and race ahead with full steam as the engine pulls into motion with a rich old-world charm.


3. Ugears Treasure Box Model

So you have picked up beautiful pieces of jewellery and are now looking for a safe place to store them in. What could be cooler than building your own Treasure Box? With Ugears Treasure Box Model, you can now do just that and a little bit more.


4. Ugears Horse Mechanoid Puzzle

If you are awestruck by equestrian charm as much as we are, you will absolutely adore the Ugears Horse Mechanoid Puzzle. 

5. Ugears  Handgun Mechanical Puzzle

Work stress got you down? About to pop a vein? Chill and let the Wolf-01 Handgun call the shots! 

Excited? So are we! Get your hands on these cool puzzles and a lot more quirky gifts to keep you hooked at none other than coolest online gifting store. 


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